Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bat it's what's for dinner

This evening while in the market I glanced over and saw these guys hanging on a line.  For only 200 peso I could have taken one home for dinner or maybe my next pet?

Fresh and tender bat meat

Their wings & mouth were tied shut, but I still wasn't too sure about getting up close

One of God's amazing creations 

Hi silly little bat, sorry you will be eaten soon

Friends until the end.  At least hanging them upside down was the nice thing to do

crazy feet

Do you want to eat this guy for dinner?


  1. Wow. Wow! Sure is one of God's amazing little creatures, eh? Let us know when you try one! :)

  2. Poor bats.Have you eaten one yet? miss you <3,Shanna

  3. I am terrified of bats, but did not know people eat thems, and sure feel sorry for these little guys hanging there tied up. Must be torture for them.
