After many hours in travel, I was on the last leg of my journey flying from Vancouver to Whitehorse. "Shouldn't it be getting dark." I thought to myself. "Oh. Ha. No. This is the north in the summer, where it does not get dark." I smiled to myself. Little bursts of excitement rushed through me, I was almost there and I could hardly wait! I looked at the beautiful snow capped mountains as I thought about the coming month I would spend with my dear friend, Candace, and all the wonderful adventures we were sure to have together.
I had a very wonderful time visiting the Yukon and Alaska with my cousin and her husband. I am so thankful to God for His rich blessing!
I flew into the Yukon and we visited a few lovely places before heading to Alaska |
A lovely old cabin and lupin |
Candace's husband, Riley, is from Juneau AK. We drove to Skagway and then took the ferry to Juneau to spend some time with Riley's family. It was a beautiful drive/ferry ride. God's country as Riley calls it. |
Candace and I had the fun idea of getting the crews to land on Riley :) |
As you can see, it worked :) |
Crow's are pretty funny creatures. I will always have a special place in my heart for them after having Bella Donna in Africa |
America my home sweet home! |
Beautiful! |
My sweet cousin and her husband |
The ferry trip was amazing! |
We spent a few days at the in-laws and then went with Riley and his dad up the Taku river. |
As you can see it was quite cold! |
Capturing floating ice out of the river near a glacier |
Amazing!! |
Candace, Riley and I. Bless Riley's heart for putting up with two women for a month :) |
Riley and his dog, Jess, on a floating ice chunk. I was too scared of falling in and freezing to death to climb on one |
Salmon. Candace and I had plans of watching them catch the fish, but they had a record catch and had their limit in 45min! |
This is one big fish!!! :O) |
Northern glamor |
Mosquitos! I would say I killed over 500 of these monsters during my month |
Poor Alli Boo Boo |
Can we say FUN! |
The cute little yurt I stayed in up the Taku |
A Tianne den :) I used the blankets to block out the light, it was super cozy |
A sweet note from a sweet friend. With no clock and it never getting dark I never knew what time I should get out of bed |
The sauna. Getting all hot and sweaty in there enabled me to dive into the icy Taku with Candace. It took two tries and some screaming, but we did it :) |
How amazing you are, Lord of all creation!!! |
Bosom friends. How I love you and am thankful for all the wonderful times we have had together and all the wonderful ones yet to come! |
Soaking it all up |
Shrimping! I loved it! |
Funny creature |
Amazed again and again by my creator |
Candace before the beheading |
It had to be done... the headless shrimp |
Returning on the ferry after a lovely time! |
Time to discover the mighty Yukon! Stay tuned for the continuing journey in the next blog post |
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” ~ Psalm 19: 1-4