I never realized how unusual it was for me to make a pet out of a Asong Kalye (Philippine street dog) until I set out on the journey to bring Clover home. The bus to take from Tabuk City to Manila clearly states "NO PETS", however, I know people who they have allowed to take their little dogs on board. I was sure they would allow me to take Clover on board once they saw how nice mannered she was. On Saturday before I left, I bought the bus tickets, one for Clover and one for me. They were reluctant, but finally agreed to allow her to ride next to me in the back of the bus. On Sunday evening when I started to board the bus, they would NOT consider allowing her on. The conductor took one look at her and exclaimed "She'll bite someone! She must go under the bus!" Clover sat there calm as can be as Georgia and I pleaded our case. But they would not budge one tiny bit, so under the bus Clover went. I even cried, but there was no persuading them.
Clover and I resting at the bus terminal in Manila |
I checked on her at every stop we made and at 4am after 11hrs on the bus we made it to Manila. Since it was so early Clover and I settled down in the bus station for 2 1/2hrs. People walked by us giving curious stares.
At 6:30am we flagged down a taxi, threatened to get out if he didn't turn his meter on (thankfully he did) and made our way to the vet clinic. The employees at the animal hospital were very kind and were the only people who didn't look surprised that I was taking a "street dog" to America. Getting her health certificate went pretty smoothly besides the hole it left in my wallet.
Clover comes face to face with CATS at the vet clinic. She did very well for an avid cat chaser. |
From there we made our way to Malate Manila to the guest house we were booked at. They too were surprised to see how big and what type of dog Clover was. "Oh" they exclaimed, "we thought she would be little." Thankfully they did not turn us away after I promised she would not bark at night and have actually warmed up to her :)
Clover and I have been passing the days walking the streets of Malate. It is a poor part of town, but everyone is nice and give happy smiles. I here whispers as I walk by "oh a asong kalye", people move nervously around Clover expecting her to bite them. Clover of course has no interest in biting anyone. She is busy dodging traffic, stray dogs and checking out the many cats that roam the streets. While both of us are reluctant of cities, we have enjoyed our time here and meeting interesting people along the way.
Clover was supposed to fly tomorrow but her flight got delayed until Monday. So we will be walking the streets of Malate for four more days. Let the adventure continue!
Seeing herself in a mirror for the first time - who is that dog? |
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital |
Clover viewing the ocean for the first time at Manila Bay where we walk every day |
Pretty view |
I walked by a pizza place and HAD to get some! SO good! Pizza how i've missed you! |
The view from my room |
Clover discovered if she sat on the bed she could look out the window |
It kept her busy for a little while :) |
Tired pup! |
View from a walk over the road |
Along Manila Bay |
It is a popular place to walk, sell your goods, fish, bike and sleep. |
Hanging out :) |
It is pretty, but also dirty. I sat looking over the bay and watched mange covered rats hop across the rocks. Even for an animal lover like myself I was a bit freaked out by them. |
Gotta love street food! |
Not sure what this guy is all about, but I thought it was neat. |
A little bit of nature in the city. |
Cute sleeping kitty along the road :) |
Remedios Circle at the end of my street. |
Sea food restaurant next to my guest house. |
The guest house that is kind enough to let me stay with Clover |
oK, this is my favorite post...ohhh Clover....