Tuesday, July 30, 2013

And she's off!

The last few days spent in Manila with Clover were pretty uneventful. We went on our twice daily walks along the bay and got different reactions from the many people we passed by. My personal favorite was when people would break out in "Teach me how to doggy, teach me, teach me, how to doggy" while doing a little dance.

The last night we even went for a buggy ride through China town and old Manila. It was dusk and raining, but fun. Well fun until we got back and the driver decided to try to guilt me into giving him more money - which actually worked, but not as much as he had planned for. Ah well.
Sunday evening buggy ride
Clover sight seeing on a buggy ride 
Clover had to lay on her bed, while I was adding the lining - too cute
Yesterday when I flagged down a taxi to take Clover to the airport and told him where I wanted to go he said "Oh I don't think they will allow her" pointing at Clover. I convinced him that yes they would :)  On the way he randomly says "why do you want a dog and not a man." In my head I thought "why can't I have a man and a dog?" To the taxi driver I said "Well dogs are loyal, they don't argue and they are always happy to see you" :)

At 3:30pm I left Clover in her crate at the KLM cargo area in Manila, where she would await her 7pm flight. I had a mix of emotions as I left her there: it is really happening, am I crazy, worrying for her during the 30hrs of transient and excitement of actually seeing her in a week at home.
The top of Clover's crate 

Weighing in 
Saying goodbye from afar :( 
I really can't believe Clover is somewhere between America and the Philippines at this very moment! Crazy! Praising God that He cares about the little things that make me happy!

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