I was sitting on my porch in the Didinga Hills with my cousin Candace tossing around names for my blog. No, my name is too boring. It needs to be creative. I want the name to be able to change with me, no matter where I am, what I am doing, or what I am thinking about. I want a name that doesn't draw a specific crowed. Somewhere in the mussing a song we both like started playing over my MP3 player that talked about that sweet silver lining. Silver Lining, ah, yes. We tossed around how to best write it and finally settled on "The Sliver Lining".
This title really speaks to me because life is hard and the longer I live the more hard things I see and experience. Yet, no matter what there is always that "silver lining", a little bit of beauty, that is in each and every thing. Sometimes we have to dig hard and search for it, but it is always there. God is always there, making beauty from ashes. It is my prayer that as you read my blogs, that you not only get a taste of my life and what I do, but that you would see the Light shinning in the darkness and that you would give Him praise.
This title really speaks to me because life is hard and the longer I live the more hard things I see and experience. Yet, no matter what there is always that "silver lining", a little bit of beauty, that is in each and every thing. Sometimes we have to dig hard and search for it, but it is always there. God is always there, making beauty from ashes. It is my prayer that as you read my blogs, that you not only get a taste of my life and what I do, but that you would see the Light shinning in the darkness and that you would give Him praise.