Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm leaving on a jet plane

Last night as I was trying to sleep, I started thinking about my very first plane trip. I was 16yrs old and extremely excited! We had driven for a short term mission trip to Baja Mexico and were flying back. I don't remember much about my first time on a plane, but I do remember the excitement, my wide eyes and fascination. Many years later with many hours in flight, I can't say air travel holds the same fascination. In fact if I could skip these long flights, I sure would. Yet, I am extremely thankful for the ability to go halfway around the world in such a short time. Not so long ago it would have taken an entire month just to get to America!

Round trip I will be flying 15,722 miles, this is excluding any road travel 

I wonder what kind of food Air China offers? Or even more important, how comfortable will their seats be?

I'll spend a grand total of 35 & 1/2 hrs in the air
I am not sure how much time in the airports
 This will be me snoozing away between
my flights.. well not quite, I'll have
that blanket over my head :)
This is me on the plane... I just wonder with all that sleeping why I feel So tried once I arrive at my destination?
Beauty, quietness, yummy food, flowers & much more await me

More importantly, fun times spent with my dear friend awaits me!!!
I can't WAIT!!!!!
One week from today, I should be there - YAY!!! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mr. bug

This guy was buzzing outside my window tonight as I was being a diligent
studious student

What was I to do? Get some tongs & bring him inside to take a closer look!

He turned out to be pulling our bluff with the scary looking outer shell

Meet Mr. Japanese rhinoceros beetle 

These friendly little guys are sold as a pet in department stores in many countries in Asia.
Who knew? Not me until I read it on wikipedia. In Japan they are even sold in vending machines

They are used for gambling in some places. Placed on a log one male tries to push the other off, the last beetle on the log is the winner.

Isn't he just the cutest?? 

He was a good distraction from my studies :)

And then I ate him
... OK maybe I put him back outside ;)

Friday, June 1, 2012

A special baby

Christian's mom came in for her regular prenatal visit and stated she might be in labor. After doing an i.e. she was surprised to discover not only was she in labor, but 8cm and it would be just a matter of time before she delivered Christian, her third baby. After texting her husband, she sat quietly on the birth ball and asked me when she would deliver, I replied that she would deliver when ever she felt like pushing. A little over an hour later she told me she wanted to try pushing. Laying down on the bed and giving a push her water shot into my lap, yep, I'ed say she was ready to push!
His placenta was shaped like a heart 
A few minutes later a chubby baby boy came sliding into this world. I rubbed him off and placed him on his mommy's tummy and then waited for the placenta to come. A few minutes later my assistant whispered in my ear "his eyes are slanted, I think he has down syndrome." As I continued to wait for the placenta, I prayed that he wasn't. I thought about his mom & dad having to hear the news that their precious new baby would never live a normal life and always require special care. 

Special placenta for a special baby
After the placenta came and we got them settled I was able to take a closer look at the chubby baby bundle and he did indeed have all the tell tail signs of downs; Slanted low set eyes, flat nose bridge, thick neck.... yes he was defiantly downs. We sat quietly beside the bed and as gently as possible explained to his parents his features and what they meant. It is hard to know when the right time to tell something like that is, but sense downs babies can have heart problems we decided in the event something was to happen they should know. 
After telling them, we left so they could have a moment alone, it was hard to read how they felt. When I reentered the room, Christian's daddy was cradling him in his arms and speaking softly to him. Another time when I came in his mommy's face was close to his nuzzling and speaking sweetly to him. Despite that Christian is not "normal" his parents definitely still love him dearly. When it came time for them to take him home. I prayed for them and told them how wonderful their little boy is and talked about how much joy he would bring to their lives. 

The next day his mom text me that he had been admitted to the hospital for an infection and that he would need surgery for an abdominal hernia. Thankful everything else from the exam came out OK. I went to the hospital to visit them and it became clear that the reality of their baby's condition was sinking in. It seemed so little to sit there and tell her that it wasn't her fault and it was OK to be sad. I assured her that God knew that they would take good care of Christian and love him. Such small words, but they did seem to bring a little comfort. 

Please pray for this family and their new little bundle of joy. 
Pray that: 
* They would not blame themselves for his handicap 
* That others would not blame them
* That they would fully love him 
* That they would see the blessing that he is & will be
* Pray that Christian's infection would heal
* Pray that no other health problems would arise
* Pray that he would be able to have his surgery soon
* Pray that he would get a handle on breastfeeding & that his mom would see the importance of breastfeeding him
* Pray that they would feel God's love
* Pray that I would know how to best support & help them