Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I felt like her mother as I held her hand and stroked her hair as she lay on the birthing chair at the public hospital. It was about 3pm in the afternoon and she had been laboring at Abundant with me since 3am. This 17 year old girl was very strong and she tried really hard. Unfortunately once she got to 9cm her cervix would not finish dilating. I had been her midwife since April and had developed a special relationship with her. I wanted her to have such a great birth and I was excited to place her first baby on her belly.

I have found as a midwife there is always room for second guessing, it is hard to know how long to try and when to transport. After trial pushing, waiting and trying to push again, I told her that I was worried she was getting too tried and that if she wanted she could wait a little longer or we could go to the hospital now. She had tears in her eyes, but after a little while, she decided she would like to go to the hospital. I held up her IV as we drove there, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. I wondered if there was something I could have or should have done differently. 

At the hospital they do not allow families into the delivery room. The midwifes there stated my patient was their 6th birth of the day and one of those had been a set of twins. After helping her into the birthing chair we waited for the doctor to arrive. As we were waiting a women beside us gave birth to her baby. I could feel my patient's heaviness, this was the second baby that had given birth while she was laboring. After the doctor arrived they helped her try and push a few times, but soon decided that she needed a c-section (I am still not entirely sure why). 

Taking ahold of my hand she said,"I'm scared, what if I die." What do you say, how do respond? "You won't. Pray to God, I know that He will care for you." I replied. Tears swelled behind my eyes, "I'm a professional, I can't cry" I thought to myself. I stood there stroking her hair and holding her hand until they were ready to transport her to the surgery. I hated to go, but I knew they wouldn't let me in with her. Promising to return the next day, I prayed for her, squeezed her hand and left.

Back up to 7am in the morning, my cell phone goes off, "Ma'am, I am on my way. I am in labor". It's my other patient. "Oh, goodness, I knew this was going to happen" I think to myself as I go make the other bed. Soon this patient arrives and she looks like she is quite active. This is baby number two for her and they normally come faster. I check and find her cervix is 5cm with strong contractions, hum, who will deliver first? 

With the help of the other midwives, I manage to juggle both laboring women. Soon it becomes obvious that the mother to arrive second is going to deliver first. Her urge to push is strong and she can't help but push & soon the baby's head is visible. She pushes on the birth stool with me squatting in front of her, when baby is born into my hands. He does not cry right away. We work on stimulating him and give a few breaths of air before he starts crying. In the mean time the mother starts to bleed and requires oxytocin. Before too long mom and baby are happily snuggled up together, baby's breathing is still a bit irregular, but they will both be OK. After doing a few checks, my other patient is sounding more active and I head over to be with her. 

Fast forward. I am leaving the hospital, my eyes are heavy since I was up at 1am to assist for a birth and then up again at 3am when my patient came in. Arriving back to the clinic I poke my head into the postpartum room where I find patient #2 sitting on the bed with her baby, husband & little 3 year old girl. They all look up and smile at me, it warms my heart. I hustle up stairs and quickly make a cup of instant coffee mixed with milo, I sit down and drink it. This coffee will get me through discharge. 

I hustle back down stairs and with the help of the other student, Aisling, we give the baby a bath (He proceeds to poop all over Aisling's arms ;), take a last set of vital signs, fill out the birth certificate information and schedule postpartum appointments. I decide to wait on pictures because I can barely keep my eyes open and am, lets just say not looking my best. 

At about 6:30pm, I am sitting in the postpartum room, my patient had just left with her new little bundle of joy. It always makes me happy to watch a family leave with their new baby, such a special time. Laying my head back against the wall, I am so, so tired, yet so satisfied. I look down at the bed and consider laying down and closing my eyes for just a moment. But I laugh at myself, because I know if I lay down that is where I would be found the next day. So I got my butt up and finished my work. An hour later after dinner and a shower I am in bed and quickly slip off to dream land. 

I did go see my patient who had a c-section today. Mom is tried, but ok and baby is beautiful. Unfortunately I was unable to get a photo.

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