Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This week there is a Fiesta happening here in Tabuk City. There was a parade where they did native dancing, it was really neat! I probably added to many pictures, but I just couldn't decide what ones I liked best :)

We also decided to face the heat and attended the first ever Tabuk City rodeo today. It was being held at 1pm and boy was it HOT!  We only stayed long enough to watch one small calf get roped and then had to retreat to find shade.

I enjoyed shopping through the many neat booths that were selling various crafts and treats. One booth was selling fresh sugar cane juice, yum! Thankfully the booths were under shade trees.

Enjoy the pictures!


  1. The 10th picture down...that's a pig head in his hand, right? What were they doing?

    1. Each group was reenacting a building party. For this group the pig head was part of the blessing of the house, from what I could tell.
