Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Horse books for sale

 I have had it in the back of my mind for a while now that I need to sell my horse books. But it is hard to do. Today I finally sorted through them and looked up prices on Amazon and here they are for sale. I will be using the money from these books to help with my missionary work. Thank you and message me for any information or if you would like to buy some or them all :)
$60 for all four books. Make offer if you don't want them all 

$40 for all four books - make offer if you don't want them all

$100 for all four - Make offer if you don't want them all 

$20 for both - make offer if you only want one

$80 for all four - make offer if you don't want them all 

Make offer

$100 for all four - make offer if you don't want them all 

$50 for all 3 - make offer if you don't want them all 

$20 for the 3 - make offer if you don't want them all 
$40 - missing tape 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New year - A short look at 2013

Happy New Year! This year I found myself ringing in the year with my parents, one of my brother's and his family and two friends. It was a fun filled evening and a sharp contrast to last year.

2013 was a full year for me. It was a year of hellos and goodbyes. Of joy and of pain. A year of questions and taking a deeper look at my life's path. In it all one thing remained the same, God's consistent love and guidance. Sometimes life can seem overwhelming and I am thankful that He never changes through it all. Here is a few highlights of my year. Enjoy :)

I "caught" 20 babies. 

                                                     Moved from Asia to North America.

                                       Took the most stressful test of my LIFE and passed! 
Imported my dog Clover to the States and said goodbye to my old dog Zacchaeus. 

I made a decision to serve in Doro, S. Sudan starting in April 2014.

Was blessed with my first nephew :)

Took a pack trip in the mountains of Wyoming with a good friend. 

Found myself in temperatures ranging from over 100 to -20. 

I turned 30 - the lead up to it was more traumatic then the actual day ;) which I got to spend with my favorite little girls :) 

These are just a few key points. All in all it was a great year full of many blessings. Thank you to everyone who helped me, supported me and prayed for me!
 I hope that your 2013 was a good year and I wish you the best in 2014