Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A very Merry Christmas in the Philippines

Christmas day turned out to be very special. It was just us three Americans and my puppy Clover, because the filipino staff went home to their families. We started the day with a breakfast feast and then moved up stairs to open gifts.  All three of us love stockings, so we had decided to buy fun little things for each other to put in them. We were also expecting some packages from friends and family at home and we each received one before Christmas. I had also wrapped up a little something for Clover and I think that we enjoyed watching her tear it open the best :)
Christmas day 2011
Tianne, Emily, Sara & Clover
After finishing up sharing gifts, we turned the TV on to see if any Christmas movies would be playing. To my delight the Muppet Christmas Carol was showing at 1pm. So, We settled in for a lazy afternoon. About an hour later the dogs started barking and because Sara was next up she moseyed down stairs to check, Emily followed.  I stayed to continue watching, figuring that if it was a labor they wouldn't need me for a bit.  Boy was I wrong!  Soon a hear Emily, calling my name, asking me to text Georgia, our boss. As I am heading down the stairs she calls; "if you want to see the baby be born you had better get in here right now!" I quickly entered the birth room and assisted the birth of a baby boy 2 minutes later.
A few hours after this another labor came in, this one for Emily, she was only about 5cm. I also, really wanted to catch a Christmas baby, but was pretty sure that it just wouldn't happen.  Georgia kept telling me that mine would come (I don't know how she knew). I was just about to go up stairs at just after 5pm when another woman in labor came to the door. This one was for me!  Less then 10 minutes later I had my hands on the emerging new baby, as he slipped into the world. What an amazing privilege to be a midwife on Christmas day. To witness the miracle of birth and be reminded in a very vivid way of how the Savior of the world was born all those nights ago!
Emily's patient delivered just over 3hrs after mine.  It was a busy, but rewarding Christmas for all three of us.  I praise God for blessing me with a wonderful Christmas that will be treasured in my memory for years to come.  

Three sweet babies born on Christmas day
From left to right: Emily with baby Jessica, Me with baby Regie, and Sara with baby Gabriel  

The stockings were hung on the desk with care
Me and my Christmas baby, Regie
(When this photo was taken I was really tired, hence the messy hair and sleepy look)

Christmas night, 3 new babies in just over 6hrs

Fruit smoothies for Breakfast

And Omelets 

Gotta taste test!  YUM! Banana, mango, papaya, pineapple, buko and yogurt yumminess  

Breakfast is served; Biscuits with sausage gravy, omelets and smoothies  

Sniff, sniff, tear, tear...

More sniffing and more tearing...

Oh, oh, what could it be?

A leash and a toy!

Opening a gift

Clover had fun in the wrapping paper

I had fun teasing Clover with the wrapping paper

Clover got to sneak up stairs to celebrate Christmas with us

Sara read us the Christmas story
"Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.  Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."

Friday, December 16, 2011

O Lord, you're beautiful, 
Your face is all I see,
For when your eyes are on this child,
Your grace abounds on me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pacak Outreach

One of the things I did for my breastfeeding class is a combined
 health teaching with Sara, at Pacak Village

We would rotate asking the women a question and they would answer what they thought.
Then we would talk about it, regardless if they answered correctly or not.

The women really seemed to enjoy the class and it was surprising to see
what they knew and thought about different aspects of breastfeeding.
Sara and I made a breast and doll out of a pair of socks.
I used it to help demonstrate proper position and latch.

I really enjoy doing health teachings and can really see how God has prepared me though the adult education classes I taught in Didinga my second year serving there.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I started the cooking with pumpkin pie

yum, yum, yum

my brother, Trevon, was always the champion pumpkin pie
baker growing up

But this pie would have given his a run for the best :)  I even
made mine from a fresh pumpkin, not a can :)

Georgia cutting the Thanksgiving "turkey"
(which was really 3 chickens)

Emily putting her cherry pie into the oven


The food is ready!

Menu; Roasted chicken, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn casserole,
Sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, cranberry sauce,
gravy and of course rice.  For desert; Pumpkin pie, cherry pie and apple pie

Me stuffing the "turkey"

Emily stuffing the "Turkey"

Emily and I made the stuffing, which turned out amazing!  We dried the bread
in the oven, cooked the giblets, added spices, dried apples and cranberries my
mom had sent me and even had celery!  It turned out perfect :)

Pie crust in the making

Emily's cherry pie was amazing!

Fresh out of the oven and ready to cut and eat

Georgia with her mother in-law
We celebrated American Thanksgiving on Saturday November 26th.  There was only 4 Americans present, but we enjoyed sharing our day of thankfulness along side one Canadian and many Filipinos.  Praise God for wonderful food and many blessings!  To add to the blessing of the day we had a patient who safely delivered a breech baby that same day.
I wish we had gotten a group picture of all who enjoyed the meal, but no one thought of that at the time.  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"I will praise You, O LORD, among the nations; For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.  Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth." Psalm 57:9-11

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Meet the boyfriend

OK, so maybe boyfriend isn't the right name.  But the Nokia cell phone had to be called something.  I have moved onto the list of being primary midwife and when my name hits the top of that list I get the clinic phone aka boyfriend.  The little black Nokia is with me 24/7 until a woman in labor texts and comes in, then I hand the phone to the name under mine.
At this moment he is laying beside my computer as I type, if I move somewhere else he'll hang around my neck or be put into my pocket.  Come night time he shares my pillow right next to my head.  Last night was my first night of being on call and knowing at any moment it could go off.  I slept restlessly, afraid I was going to miss it ringing.  It is common I hear for midwives on call to dream of having missed the phone going off and having to rush to a birth.  While I didn't dream about that, I did have a dream about a spider and somehow it had a connection to the phone going off and I found myself half asleep looking for a spider on the wall.  Weird.  I also woke up multiple times during the night to check and see if I had missed a text.  I could have slept soundly all night, because no one texted
It is now 4pm in the afternoon and I am still waiting for someone to text they are coming.  This is my first time having the clinic phone.  Which means when someone texts in, it will be my first time as primary midwife, which means I am waiting to catch my FIRST baby!  I am pretty excited :)   

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


 The wind was blowing in my face as I sat on top of the bus traveling toward the mountains.  Moving gives me a sense of freedom.  I am not really sure what it is about being on the move, but I love it.  I feel close to God and at peace with the world.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you can't worry or do much with the wind blowing in your face, the bus inches from the side of a cliff and a curve up ahead on a single lane road that may have a vehicle driving as fast as you are coming around that same curve.  I don't need to know for sure why I love it, I just know that I do.

 Bugnay is a small village about a 4hr drive from Tabuk and home to some of the Butbut tribe.  The director of the maternity clinic where I live, Georgia, married a man from Bugnay and has a love for the village and a heart to share this special place with others.  I have been told that the Butbut people were head hunters, until a YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Filipino missionary (I think from Manila) risk his life to tell them the Good News.  The Butbut leaders agreed to meet the missionary, believed his message and since then the tribe has given up their head hunting.
    As I traveled with my 3 companions, we traversed winding roads, along side sheer drop offs, and we ducked under power lines and branches.  We traveled through small villages were people would wave and stare at the crazy white people riding "top load".  The bus would slow and honk at lazy dogs laying in the road and the occasional pig or chicken meandering across.  My mind was sharp and eyes searching the landscape despite the two hours I was awake the night before assisting the birth of a beautiful baby girl.
 After stoping for a quick lunch of boiled pork and rice, we traveled the last hour through the "scariest" part of the narrow road and across places where the road had been recently cleared of landslides, around some curves and there on the other side of the river was the tin roofs of Bugnay.  Beautiful.

   We throw our backpacks down to the bus attendant and climbed down.  The air was hot and sticky with a fresh country smell.  I looked over the edge at the suspension bridge below and a steep flight of stairs on both sides, whew, this butt sitting midwifery student was tried already!   Going down didn't seem that bad until I hit a slightly slippery spot and had to let go of the bag of salt that was on my head to keep from busting my bum on the rock step or slamming the chicken that I was carrying in my left hand down.  Yep, my legs were defiantly shaking!  That suspension bridge shook as I walked across it and I tried not to look through the wire at the wide river below.  Beautiful, fun, but scary too.  There were steep steps to greet me on the other side.  Lets just say by the time I made it to the village I had resolved that I needed to make time in my daily routine to exercise!
  Winding through closely built houses and over little fences made to keep pigs in or out we arrived at Georgia's in-laws home.  We were greeted by smiling faces and were soon settled into the square house on stilts taking a nap.  I awoke a few hours later to young peering eyes and a cool cup off Kalinga coffee - before coming to the Philippines I had NEVER drank a cup of coffee and now I am acquiring the taste for it :)
   Bugnay village over looks the river gouge and is surrounded by rice terraces.  It is beautiful to put it mildly.  The people who live there are kind and caring, the children are sweet and everyone is shy.  I mostly sat that first night observing and listening.  It was hard not to compare it with my time in Africa.  There is much the same with village life no matter where you are.  I was in awe of the running water and the electricity, even WAY out in the mountains!  I find that every culture shows a part of God that I had yet to see before visiting it.
  The next day we back tracked down the stairs across the bridge, up the stairs and up, up the winding road to the mountain on the other side to have a picnic.  Some of the young people from the village joined us and we had a yummy meal of chicken and rice.  It was followed by "dance" musical chairs... I was skeptical of playing and to my horror ended up the only one left with a young man!  They proceed to tell me that I had to dance with him in front of the chair and then run to it when the music stopped.  I think I blushed the whole time and ended up finding myself in his lap when I tried to sit in the chair.  While I did not mean to sit in his lap, I couldn't just not try and let him win now could I?
  That night I was disturbed with a burning throat, in the morning my nose started to run and I ended up napping until noon.  Then I was encouraged to the take a hike down to the river to go for a swim, I was assured it would make me feel better.  I had been dying to swim in the river, so I took some cold medicine that I had thankfully packed, put on my bathing suit and headed down, down to the Chico river.  The water was cold and rushing briskly down stream.  The children dove in and I stuck my toe in and proceeded to take at least a half hour to get in.  It was cold, but refreshing and fun!  Afterwards we climbed back up to the village and I sat and watched, Sara, play frisbee with the children, but I didn't have the energy to join in on the fun.  That evening I sat with the children for a while until my runny nose sent me off to bed.

  The next morning all too soon we made the hike back to the road and climbed back on top of the bus to take us back to reality.  Despite my runny nose and stuffy head, I enjoyed the wind in my face and the beauty that passed by as we traveled back to Tabuk.  It was a lovely break and a lovely time.