Thursday, January 26, 2012

The mighty hand and plans of God

It was a sunny evening my first year living in the Didinga Hills of S. Sudan, sitting in a dark hut listening to a young woman pushing on a rock when I witnessed my first birth. The light shown in through the small door when I saw the dusky blue body in the hands of the woman's local midwife, Regina. I was in awe! Then the whole hut went crazy and it took me a minute to realize why, the baby was not crying. The woman's mother called for Kim and I to come over and help. We didn't know what to do. But we tried and Regina tried and the seconds turned into minutes as every effort was given to stimulate the little blue baby boy to cry. He lay there limp. About the time everyone was giving up, his little chest began to move and He lived! Everyone praised God, because we all knew it wasn't because of something we did.

Fast forward to the next year. Regina the midwife is now pregnant. She has a older daughter and lost her second born after walking 26mile to get a Caesarean. This is her 3rd child and she has high hope that this baby will live. Regina goes into labor a month early and her mother comes to us nearly in tears asking us to come. It is Kim and I again and we rush down the hill. Regina says her water has broke, but she can still feel the baby move. We encourage the family to start walking to the hospital, reminding them of what happened last time. It takes 24hrs for them to come to the smaller clinic 10miles away in Nagishot. 
The local midwife checks her briefly and says she will deliver that night. She does. Again in a dark hut I am watching a woman give birth and I don't know what to do. The baby's hand comes out her vagina, limp. The baby is dead. They use their hands to stretch her vagina open so the baby will come. Regina's mother covers her mouth so she will not cry out and shame herself. Towards the end her husband enters the room, they are worried Regina will die. She does not. Then the baby comes, small, dead and they lay him in a gourd. Regina reaches down to feel for his pulse, even through he is clearly dead. They say not to cry, for he was not known. We cry anyway on our way home. He was known and he was loved.

Fast forward a year. I am now a midwife student living in the Philippines and I have seen many women labor and give birth. I am learning what to do and how to help women give birth so that they and their babies will have a better chance of living. Birth is beautiful and birth is hard. I am learning how to prevent or notice potential problems, through good prenatal care. Every Wednesday I give prenatal care to women. Through my book learning I am learning the ends and outs of midwifery care. And through my time in the birth room I am learning hands of how to help women give birth as I work with experienced midwives.

I still have a lot to learn, but I feel even now, if I were to be transported back to these two births I would not be standing there wishing I knew how to help. I would be able to offer some very real, practical help. I know that come graduation in 2013 I will be ready to return to Africa to work along side local women to provide prenatal, labor & deliver, and postpartum care. While also building relationships and teaching about the saving love of Jesus.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bat it's what's for dinner

This evening while in the market I glanced over and saw these guys hanging on a line.  For only 200 peso I could have taken one home for dinner or maybe my next pet?

Fresh and tender bat meat

Their wings & mouth were tied shut, but I still wasn't too sure about getting up close

One of God's amazing creations 

Hi silly little bat, sorry you will be eaten soon

Friends until the end.  At least hanging them upside down was the nice thing to do

crazy feet

Do you want to eat this guy for dinner?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pineapple cream of broccoli soup

I was already running a bit late on lunch, when I decided some of the chicken broth we had put in the freezer might add some extra yumminess.  I plopped it in and stirred as it quickly dissolved into the boiling soup.  A few scoops of milk powder, salt and pepper later, I decide a taste test was needed.  As the soup hit my tongue, it was sweet, yes, sweet.  Another test and still sweet!  What? cream of broccoli soup is not supposed to be sweet!  Suddenly I have a very slight memory that, Sara, had also frozen some pineapple juice in the same bags as the chicken broth.  Hoping I was wrong, but knowing I was not, I checked the freezer.  Sure enough there was a bright yellow bag of pineapple juice and hidden under it the darker chicken broth.  Shoot!

So what does one do when they are late with lunch and they goofed up?  First you must have a good laugh, then, deal with the problem.  In this case pour out the broth and add new.  It really was just a silly goof up, yet what about bigger goof ups, what should be done with those?  I have never heard of anyone who has yet to be successful with turning back time, so I think the same thing should be done have a good laugh (or a good cry), then simply deal with the problem and learn from the mistake.

I know in this life I will never be finished making mistakes, but Christ who has begun a good work in me will carry it on to completion until Christ comes back (Philippines 1:6). With each blunder and mistake, there is forgiveness and lessons to be learned, no matter how big or how small.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

*She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge 2012

"*She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge 2012 starts TODAY! (& huge GIVEAWAY!)

I know it is already 8 days into 2012, but I still had not decided what the last one of my New Year goals would be (I always do 10). This morning I received an email from my Aunt Carol about She Sparkles blog that has a scripture memory challenge. Number 10 goal found! Scripture memory is an important part of growing in the Lord and I would encourage you to click on the link and join the the challenge.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's a New Year!

When I look back at 2011 I am amazed at all the miles I have traveled, over 36,000 by plane and more miles by bus, train and car.  I visited 9 countries and 4 continents. I moved from Africa to Asia.

I said many goodbyes and hellos. I cried, laughed and sang.  I got to roll in snow, watch the trees bud, flowers bloom and feel the summer breeze.  I once again rode familiar paths with my best four footed friend.  I felt the kisses and hugs of my favorite little girls. 

 I stood beside my bosom friend as she gave her life to the man she loves. I caught my first baby. I felt very far from God and very close to Him. I was blessed beyond my imagination. 

Thank you Father for 2011 with all it's challenges, miles traveled, and winding roads.  I grew closer to You then I have ever been before. With anticipation I look forward the challenges and blessings of 2012.

 "The LORD is my inheritance and my cup. You are the one who determines my destiny.
 Your boundary lines mark out pleasant places for me.
Indeed, my inheritance is something beautiful."
~Psalm 16:5-6