Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Born in the bathroom

I was first up on rotation last evening. The first labor that arrived was a early twenties G1 (first pregnancy), she was smiling as she walked through the door and briskly went to the CR (bathroom) to pee & wash. I then ushered her to one of the beds, to take her vitals, listen to baby's heartbeat and talk to her about her labor.

When did your labor start, I asked her? "oh last night, but just like period cramps, but this morning there was some blood and that is why I came," was her reply. I explained to her about the mucus plug, she had no signs of contractions, but I asked again about her labor pains. "Oh, the pain from last night is less now." Smiling to myself I gently explained that for your first baby early labor can talk a long time and that she needed to go home and just go on with life like normal until her contractions came and were about 5 min apart, then she could return. "OK, I think I am just a little excited, because it has been a week since my due date." What a sweetie :)

Later on, three hours before shift change around 7pm I tell another student that my fully needs to come before 8pm. This way she can have her baby and get to postpartum before I have to go. About 20min later a labor comes waddle in and she was not smiling. She tells us she is waiting for her husband, who is coming very soon and I think to myself, "well she must have a little time," and have her go to the CR. I start filling out paper work, as I wait for her. All of a sudden the bathroom door flies open, she is standing with her legs apart with a shocked look on her face. The baby is coming NOW!

I rush to her while pulling a glove from my pocket onto my right hand and about take down my supervisor as she is racing in the opposite directions for gloves. I managed to have the one glove on by the time I walked the 7 quick steps over to the CR. The head was already about 8 cm visible and I had no time to pull on the other glove. I just reached my hand down to support the quickly emerging head. It always amazes me how fast your mind can work, because mine sure was. I was thinking about the ungloved hand and the fact that I can't hold a slimy newborn with one hand above a tile floor.

In a matter of seconds of arriving to the mother, I was calling head out, baby out and yes using that ungloved hand, there was not another option. Happy to feel the baby squirm in my hands I suddenly noticed a cord wrapped around his neck. "OH" I quickly thought, "None of my catches as of yet have had a cord wrap, nor has their mother been standing up!" I am pretty good at jumping into action when I know it is up to me to fix the problem. I quickly turned baby one way, nope wrong, then turned and flipped him the other... actually I am not quite sure what I did, or how many times it was wrapped, but I got it unwrapped. By this time my supervisor arrived, also with only one hand gloved and the baby was crying. She quickly cut the cord and we transferred baby and the shocked, but happy mama to a bed.

This was the mother's third baby and all came fast from what I hear. She delivered the placenta with no problems and two hours later after nursing her baby and drinking some water & milo, jumped out of bed, instructed her husband to clean up some drips of blood and marched to the CR. What a strong mama! What a fun crazy birth! What a treasure to be able to be a midwife! Have I mentioned that I love being a midwife? :)
Baby Andy

Ata Ermie my supervisor, baby Andy & I 

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