Sunday, March 4, 2012

My first labor story

I have been hesitant to write birth stories on my blog. It is hard to know how much and what to share. But I know that (or at least I think) you would like to hear some of my stories. Be advised, I am a midwife :) (I have purposely left the mother's name out for her privacy)

Once you start catching babies it is like an addiction, you just want to keep doing it again and again, no matter how busy or tired you may be. It had been nine long days since my last catch, when she walked in the door. a pretty girl of 20 years old in labor with her first baby. She smiled at me, but I could tell she was in pretty active labor. After taking her vitals, listening to baby's heartbeat and palpating the position. I did an i.e. to assess dilation. She was 9cm with only a lip on top left to go and I confirmed SROM (that her water had already broke).
She wanted to lay on her side in bed, but I told her it may take a long time for her to complete dilation if she didn't do some exercising. The best being hands and knees. She tried it and didn't like that position. Next was the birth ball and she found this position much more comfortable. I stayed with her, helping her breath through her contractions and rubbing her back.
About two hours later she started feeling "poopy" this can mean that she really does need to use the bathroom, but more likely it is time to start pushing. After talking to my supervisor we advised her to do a trial push and when she pushed the baby's head was right there. She ended up pushing for a little over an hour on her side. Her contractions were strong, but short. I encouraged her through them, telling her what a great job she was doing. In between she would rest, then right before she started pushing again she would make eye contact with me and smile. It was beautiful.
Slowly her baby's head crowned and she slowly and beautifully pushed her 7.7lb baby boy into the world with only a tiny skin split. It was a beautiful birth and what an amazing gift to watch a woman become a mother for the very first time. Her baby boy was extremely cute and started nursing right away, his mama was beaming with joy and pride at her son.

If you look at the pictures on the left he is catch #11 :0)


  1. What a lovely story Tianni! It brought tears to my eyes! So proud of you!!!
