It was midnight when my head hit my pillow, "Please Lord" I prayed as I drifted off to sleep,"Do not have a labor text until morning." I was in the middle of an active dream (that I can't remember) when the "boyfriend" sounded. Instantly alert I reached over to read the text. "ahhh" I thought as I noticed the time, "it is 4:30am, God let me get a little sleep." The text was in ilocano and while I couldn't read most of it, I recognized enough words to know it was a labor texting.
She told me her contractions were every 10 minutes apart, so I advised her to wait until they were closer together. Her chart told me she was a G2 (second baby) and when she didn't text back, I began to wonder if she was on her way. I went back to bed, but left my door open so I would hear if someone pulled up. Sure enough a few moments after placing my head back on my pillow, I heard the dogs barking and the roar of a vehicle pulling up. Jumping out of bed I pulled my scrub top on (I had left on my scrub pants) and hurried back downstairs.
The labor who was texting had arrived and looked very active. Upon doing the ie I discovered she had no cervix left on the bottom and a cervixal lip from 9-3 on top of about 8cm. Her water had not broke yet and her contractions were strong. I advised her to try hands and knees position and rest her upper body on the birth ball. This helps the remaining cervix to dilate. She found that uncomfortable and asked to walk.
In the early morning air she attempted to breath through her contractions, but it soon became obvious that her body was taking over and she was baring down. "I think the baby is coming" she told me as I was about to suggest we head back inside. Upon laying down on the bed there was already 2cm visible of the bag of water. I was advised to break her water because the baby's heart tones were a little low, 2 minutes later a new baby boy slipped into my hands and entered the world. That proud mama only pushed for about 3 minutes and she had her baby only 27 minutes after arriving! I am sure glad she listened to her body and came in when she did.
Because the baby was breathing a bit too fast and his color a tinge pale we ended up transporting to the hospital. I went and visited them this afternoon and he was on an IV drip. His mom told me the doctor said he has an infection and will have to stay in the hospital for a week. His breathing and color looked better and I am sure he is going to be just fine.
Proud daddy was too shy to be in a photo, but 3 year old big sister wasn't :) Praise God for the wonders of new life and that I get to be apart of it.
The labor who was texting had arrived and looked very active. Upon doing the ie I discovered she had no cervix left on the bottom and a cervixal lip from 9-3 on top of about 8cm. Her water had not broke yet and her contractions were strong. I advised her to try hands and knees position and rest her upper body on the birth ball. This helps the remaining cervix to dilate. She found that uncomfortable and asked to walk.
In the early morning air she attempted to breath through her contractions, but it soon became obvious that her body was taking over and she was baring down. "I think the baby is coming" she told me as I was about to suggest we head back inside. Upon laying down on the bed there was already 2cm visible of the bag of water. I was advised to break her water because the baby's heart tones were a little low, 2 minutes later a new baby boy slipped into my hands and entered the world. That proud mama only pushed for about 3 minutes and she had her baby only 27 minutes after arriving! I am sure glad she listened to her body and came in when she did.
Because the baby was breathing a bit too fast and his color a tinge pale we ended up transporting to the hospital. I went and visited them this afternoon and he was on an IV drip. His mom told me the doctor said he has an infection and will have to stay in the hospital for a week. His breathing and color looked better and I am sure he is going to be just fine.
Proud daddy was too shy to be in a photo, but 3 year old big sister wasn't :) Praise God for the wonders of new life and that I get to be apart of it.