Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am ready for my break. Simple as that. 

I still have assignments to do, tests to take and other duties, yet I feel the coming break and I long for it.

I spend my limited time gazing out the window, longing for a cool breeze and a familiar face. 

I feel my impatience growing and my peace leaving. 

Yet He whispers in my ear, Tianne, this break is not your future, I AM. Don't cling to a coming time. Cling to Me, cling to me right now.  

Today I am thankful for: 
The beauty that surrounds me 
For the opportunity to spend my life serving Jesus 
For the grace He has given me that I do not deserve 
I am thankful for the hope of eternal life spent with Him!

1 comment:

  1. Tianne I am thankful for beautiful friends like you.I'm looking forward my final year of summer break here in the States from high school.As of next school year as an eleventh grader I will be taking my senior year of High School as well as preliminary College credits.I wish you the best of luck in your studies too...There is so much that I want to tell you to your face.I want to play with you and Clover and meet the mothers and their babies.I wish I could go for walks with you and Clover.I wish I could show you my art portfolio(I don't have a working camera.Mine broke and I'm still figuring out the memory chip)I can't believe that things are happening so well, so fast for me(other than the camera breaking.)We do everything together here in the States and I miss that.We have kept in touch pretty well though.I have decided finally what I want to do with my life:attend Kendall College of Art and Design.Ferris State(Kendall's benefactor co offers an excellent dual enrollment plan.So.....A lot of unnecessary credit planning will take place Monday between
    the School principal and the woman who plans our schedules and is in charge of school finances.By the time you get back from your trip to the Yukon to visit your cousin or in the longer term when you get back I will be in college
