Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dancing in the rain

As the rain came down it beckoned me to come and play. It had been raining every day in the evening for the last few days, but this was the first rain without lightening joining it. Come, each droplet said, come and play with me. I made excuses in my head of why I couldn't, but it called on. "I'll do check on Clover", I thought as I meandered toward the door.

Once outside I saw the rain pouring off the roof in big splashes. Ok I'll just run in it one time. Before I knew it, I had ran though the rain countless times and my cloths were drenched. I laughed, I danced, I spun as my bare feet splashed through puddles of water and the rain ran down my face. The cares and pressures of this world washed away with each drop of rain that hit me.

As the moment passed I slipped back inside. Water dripped from me, as I stepped back into life. It was a lovely time away spent lost in a moment, where life seemed to stand still. Thank you rain for beckoning me to come and play. Thank you Jesus for these sweet moments that refresh my soul, I loved dancing in the rain with you today. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Oh, those are truly precious moments. I too love to dance in the rain, but sometimes my "better judgement" seems to halt my feet to playing in the refreshment sent from heaven. What better time than in the rain to dance with Jesus?
