Sunday, October 7, 2012

Funny little story

I am not sure that I should admit this, but last year I had a bald spot on the top of my head! Yikes! Why you ask. Well, one day I got a lovely boil on the top of my head (yuck). A week or so later ALL the hair fell out in that spot, clean, clear, shinny smooth no more hair. And then days went by, weeks went by, I think even months went by and no hair started to grow. I had to do comb overs or you would see my bald spot. I began to worry. What if hair never, ever, grew back in that spot? Would I have to worry about keeping it covered up for the rest of my life? To my relief one day as I was checking it out in the mirror there was a tiny itty bitty amount of hair growing. Whew. As you will see in the picture below a year later and it is not quite grown out just yet. 


YAY it grew back! Seems to be curly now :0/ If I am not careful it sticks straight up on the top of my head!
Oh the joy ;) 


  1. Ahh, Tianne, thanks for giving me a laugh :-)

  2. LOL! That's too funny. I remember your worry that the hair would never grow back, but it obviously did. Now hopefully that hair keeps growing! ;)

  3. Laughter is a good thing :) Yes hopefully it keeps growing! But I am considering donating my hair when I am home and getting it cut nice and short, so if it isn't grown by then, it would be OK. Just a little weird :)
